Website v.0.5 update notes

Website v.0.5 update notes



Explanation of this update:

This is the update I am working on while writing this. It’s technically a pretty minor update but I thought it was big enough to separate into its own version. There’s not much to say about this update. Primarily because most of the work was spent writing the blog posts you’re reading right now. Only about 10% of the time for this update was spent coding it.

Changes to the plan

I have accomplished most of what I want to do on this website and so I will be moving on from this project for a while. This does not mean I am abandoning it. I will still publish new blog posts whenever I do something interesting in computer science, however, I don’t want to just do this website. I am next moving on to doing CS50x so I will likely write a blog post on that when I am at the end. After that I’m moving on to learning java, and then I may quite likely come back to this website, just as a way to improve my programming skills. Thanks to anyone who might be reading this.

Known Bugs

There are several bugs that I am aware exist, but the time needed to fix these weird situations that cause them isn’t worth it when that time would be better spend working on other bits of the website